Setting up your standard TV as a media centre with your laptop

This can be a useful way to utilise your past-it laptop as well. You can also use a desktop PC as long as cable length/position permits.

Disclaimer: This may not work on all TVs due to the variety of models and depending on how old it is. It may be possible to use an HDMI to SCART converter for old TVs.

You will need

  • Laptop with HDMI support
  • HDMI cable
  • Television that supports HDMI input


  1. Connect the cable to the port on the laptop and on the TV
  2. Turn on the laptop
  3. You may need to set screen projection. If using Windows 10, open the notification panel and choose Project followed by one of the second screen options
  4. Set the TV input to the HDMI. You should see the laptop screen output shown on the TV.

Use the laptop to browse Netflix, BBC iPlayer etc and you can watch them via the TV. Note there may be some image clipping depending on laptop and TV aspect ratios.





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